摘要: | 本研究主要目的在探討台灣精神藥物使用盛行率的演變及影響精神藥物使用的相關因素。本研究之資料來源為國民健康局之「2005年國民健康訪問調查」及國家衛生研究院之「全民健康保險研究資料庫」,研究樣本由國民健康訪問調查中選出,並排除未滿18歲之兒童青少年,樣本數為12,287,再串聯健保資料庫取得精神藥物利用情況。
The purpose of this study is to explore the changing of prevalence of psychotropic drug and correlates of psychotropic drug use in Taiwan. The data sources of this study are National Health Interview Survey conducted by Bureau of Health Promotion in 2005 and National Health Insurance Research Database from National Health Research Institutes. Study sample is selected from National Health Interview Survey that excluded those whose age is less then eighteen, the sample size is 12,287. And these data are combined with National Health Insurance Research Database to get the situation of drug use.
There are two dependent variables in this study, whether the respondent used psychotropic drug or not and the volume of use (measured by defined daily dose). The independent variables are education, employment, job, and income. Control variables include socio-demographic variables (gender, age, race, region, and urbanicity), health behavior (smoking, drinking, and exercise), health status (mental illness, obesity, and self-perceived health status), and social support (marrage, company, and number of child). Generalized estimating equation was applied for analyses.
Results indicated that people who had higher education level and being employed had lower prevalence of psychotropic drug, but people who had job comsumed much more volume of anxiolytics. Besides, job and income had no influence in psychotropic drug use. Moreover, female, elder, people never drink, and people who have more child are tend to use psychotropic drug. Male, young, and people who have no regular exercise consumed higher volume of psychotropic drug.
The result of this study implied that social determinants such as education and employment can affect the use of psychotropic drug, and socio-demographic like gender, age, health behavior like smoking, drinking also have some influences in psychotropic drug use. Because of the vigorous development of psychiatric medication and rapid growth of psychotropic drug use, policy makers and health care providers should put more efforts into the monitoring of these drugs, so that the waste chould be eliminated, and people who have mental problem can get proper medication. |