摘要: | 本研究目的為探討健康成人至連鎖便利商店 (以下簡稱超商) 之消費行為對其體位、代謝症候群危險因子、排便情形、氧化壓力及抗氧化能力指標之影響,並根據飲食記錄比較有無選用超商食物當正餐之一日飲食差異。本橫斷面研究共分成兩部分,第一部分招募 300 位 20-44 歲的健康成人進行體位與血壓測量,並填寫綜合問卷以及 3 日飲食記錄。第二部分為取自第一部分之 146 位受試者的空腹血液分析其血糖、血脂、抗氧化能力及氧化傷害指標。依受試者選用超商食物作為正餐的頻率,分成三分位,分別為低、中、高頻率組。結果顯示,在第一部分中,受試者之體位、血壓及排便狀況,三組均無顯著差異,在分別分析男性及女性之結果時顯示,女性高頻率組的舒張壓顯著高於低頻率組。此外,食物選擇分數及含糖飲料攝取量,高頻率組顯著較低頻率組高。由飲食的紀錄顯示,以超商食物作為正餐的一天中,其攝取豆魚肉蛋、蔬菜、水果、油脂及堅果種子等之種類的攝取量,皆顯著較沒有以超商食物作正餐日低,而奶類攝取量則較高。第二部份的結果顯示,三組間血糖、血脂、代謝症候群危險因子、抗氧化能力及氧化傷害指標均無顯著差異。當分別分析男、女性之結果時則顯示,男性高頻率組之血總膽固醇值顯著高於低頻率組,其餘參數則無顯著差異。本研究顯示,至超商購買正餐的頻率會影響飲食攝取,並可能進一步影響女性血壓及男性血膽固醇值。因此建議,民眾在超商購買食物時須注意食物的種類及量,並攝取適量蔬果以維持健康。 The objective was to study the effect of the purchasing behavior in chain convenience stores on the anthropometric data, metabolic syndrome risk factors, defecatory status, antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage index. It also investigated the differences in dietary records of people having or not having meals from chain convenience stores.
There were 2 parts in this cross-sectional study. For the first part, 300 healthy subjects, aged 20-44 were recruited. Their anthropometric and blood pressure measurements were taken. There were two questionnaires including a comprehensive one and a dietary record. For the second part, 146 subjects willing to undergo blood testing were selected. Their blood samples were analyzed for fasting blood sugar, blood lipid, antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage index.
Subjects were divided into 3 groups (high, middle and low frequency) according to the frequency of purchasing meals from convenience stores. The results in the first part of the study showed no significant differences among three groups in anthropometric data, blood pressure and defecatory status. For female subjects, those in the high frequency group had higher diastolic blood pressure than those in the low frequency group. For both female and male subjects, those in the high frequency group had higher food choice score and higher consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages than those in the low frequency group. There were no significant differences in defecatory status among three groups. According to dietary records, a day with at least one meal from convenience stores showed a lower intake of meat, beans, vegetables, fruits, oil and nuts than a day without. However, a reverse result was found with consumption of milk.
The second part of the research found no significant differences among three groups in fasting blood sugar, blood lipid, metabolic syndrome risk factors, antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage index. For male subjects, those in the high frequency group had higher total cholesterol than those in the low frequency group. There were no significant differences in other parameters. Therefore, people should pay attention not only to food varieties and quantity but also to vegetables and fruits in order to have a healthy life. |