Abstract: | 本研究藉由國立政治大學校園內餐飲業者推出健康餐飲的環境營養介入方式,探討對校內學生健康餐飲認知及營養知識的影響。研究方法是在介入前(n=710)以問卷調查同學每日的飲食攝取、高熱量食物攝取頻率,及營養知識現況,再針對其中有參與介入的同學(n=148)進行介入後的問卷調查。結果發現有87.2%的同學(n=612)一天攝取主食類在3碗以下,有17.4%的同學(n=124)蛋豆魚肉類每天攝取份量達4份以上及85.9%的同學(n=602)蔬菜類的每天攝取量未達3碟。含糖飲料為同學每週攝取最多的較高熱量食品,其他依次為糖果類、高油食品類、餅乾類、糕點類及泡麵類。營養知識平均得分為10.6±2.3分,其中男生(n=323)平均10.4±2.5分、女生(n=387)平均10.8±2.2分,女生的營養知識平均得分顯著高於男生(P=0.03)。環境營養介入後,同學的營養知識平均得分有顯著增加的趨勢(由10.96±1.99分增加到11.35±1.78分,P<0.001),介入後不知道健康餐飲的同學則由39.2%(n=58)降為16.2%(n=24),而介入後有買過健康盒餐的同學認為其優點依序為:較不油膩、已知熱量及比較清淡。 The study investigated the effect on healthy meal awareness and nutritional knowledge of college students with the manners of the campus cafeteria introducing healthy meals within National Chengchi University as an environmental nutritional intervention. Before the intervention (n=710), questionnaires were used for daily dietary intakes, frequency of eating high-calorie foods, and current nutritional knowledge of college students. For those who involved in the intervention (n=148), post-intervention questionnaire was proceeded. The results revealed 87.2% of college students (n=612) took fewer than 3 servings of grains, where 17.4% (n=124) took more than 4 servings of meat and 85.9% (n=602) took fewer than 3 servings of vegetables. During a week sweetened drinks were the most-taken, high-in-calorie food, and others, in sequence, were candies, greasy foods, cookies, cakes and instant noodles. The average score of nutritional knowledge was 10.6±2.3, 10.4±2.5 for males (n=323) and 10.8±2.2 for females (n=387), indicating nutritional knowledge of females was significantly higher than that of males. With the environmental nutritional intervention, the average score increased for all students (from 10.96±1.99 to 11.35±1.78, P<0.001). The percentage lowered from 39.2%(n=58) to 16.2%(n=24) for those did not aware of healthy meals after the intervention. The students who had tried healthy meals after the intervention thought the benefits of the meal were less greasy, known calories and light. |