摘要: | 目前國內對於獨居失能老人鮮少有相關之研究,本研究以獨居失能老人的人口特質、健康狀況、社會支持、醫療服務使用及居家環境做概略描述,並分別依性別做比較。
獨居失能老人非常需要正式照顧資源的介入,但並不是每個獨居老人都適用且需要同一式樣的照護及介入服務。盡量協助獨居者在其生活體系中去建立支持系統,發揮個案管理師的功能,利用有限的資源,提供個別性的服務,將照護資源發揮到最大的成效,才是往後政府與民間需要努力的方向。 Studies on disabled elderly who live alone are rare. This research focused on disabled elderly living alone, and attempts to describe their demographic, health, social, medical care utilization, and living environment characteristics. Furthermore, sexual comparisons on these characteristics are carried out.
Data come from the “National Long-term Care Needs Assessment” study. In the study, there were 722 disabled elderly living alone. Results showed that the average age was 79.7 years. The percentage of females, Fukienese, and Mainlanders were 68.3%, 71.4%, and 13.1%, respectively. Over 70% of subjects had a monthly income below NT$10,000. On the average, study subjects had 3.7 children, but about 70% of them did not have a caregiver. Hypertension, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease were the most common chronic conditions. On the average, subjects had disabilities in 0.79 of 6 activities of daily living, and in 2.89 of 8 items of instrumental activities of daily living. More than half of the subjects had normal cognitive functions. More than 80% did not participate in any social or religious activities. In the past month, about 70% have had a physician visit. The living environment in general was poor, and almost 90% of subjects did not have any anti-slipper devices in bathrooms.
Sex comparison showed that the females had more serious cognitive impairments than males, but had fewer physician visits, emergency room services, or hospitalizations. Both sexes had frequent contacts with neighbors and children, but females also had more social contacts than males.
Disabled elderly who live alone are in need of formal intervention. The type of intervention needed do vary across individuals. For the disabled elderly living alone, the aim of future policy should try to establish support mechanisms from their social contacts. With limited resources, the government should consider using a care management scheme to assist these elderly to receive individualized and effective services. |