摘要: | 本研究的主要目的在於探討居住於台北縣市的都會區原住民青少年,其生活困擾、憂鬱症狀之變化,以及影響原住民青少年憂鬱症狀之相關因素。研究資料來自於「原住民青少年心理衛生狀況及成癮行為調查」計畫,係為期三年之縱貫性計畫,研究期間為2000年至2002年。此研究計畫以結構式問卷進行家訪,問卷內容包括個人基本資料、健康行為、生活滿意、憂鬱症狀、家庭生活等。而本研究係針對此計畫三年期間均有參與的153位樣本進行分析。
最後,本研究係針對上述之結果進行討論,並提供建議以為相關實務工作或未來研究之參考。 The major purposes of this study are to explore the variations of life disturbances, depressive symptoms, and relevant factors that influence depressive symptoms among metropolitan indigenous adolescents. Data resource is Surveys for Mental Health Status and Addicted Behaviors of Indigenous Adolescents. A total of 153 indigenous adolescents from junior high schools were recruited in this three-wave panel survey, with initial data collection in 2000. Data were amassed via face-to-face interviews by using a structured questionnaire dealing with demographic data of the respondents, health behaviors, life satisfaction, depressive symptoms, family life, etc.
Major results were as follows: life satisfaction and academic performance are the most important factors in their life disturbances, followed by financial problems, and showed an ascending tendency each year. There was no obvious difference between these three years in depressive symptoms: e.g., muscle soreness, headaches, faintness, dizziness, or insomnia. The respondents’ scores of depressive symptoms scale were also no significant difference between these three years. But when considering gender, we found depression scale scores of females higher for the following three years, and displayed a marked difference in the third year. Exploring further the depression scale score correlations, we found that living with parents, perceived health status, deviant behavior, commuting to school convinently, health problems, financial problems, academic performance, and problems in assimilation of ethnic groups all showed significant differential outcome in depression scale scores during these three years. While academic performance was one of the correlates of depressive symptoms, we found no difference after dividing all respondents into two groups: the top twenty and others. We also found by correlation analysis some correlation between severe nurturance style and depressive symptoms of indigenous adolescents. The depression scale scores of those who lived with their parents were lower than those who didn’t live with their parents during the period. We also found that the respondents with health problems, financial problems, academic performance would get higher depression scale scores and went ascending tendency in the mean time.
According to the results, specific suggestions for practice workers and future researches are offered. |