摘要: | 世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)指出,在西元2020年以前,憂鬱症將僅次於心血管疾病成為人類失能的第二大原因,是目前公共衛生重要的議題之一。過去青少年性格特質、吸菸行為、攻擊行為及憂鬱症狀等相關的研究,文獻資料主要著重於兩變項間相關性之探討,對於行為問題在性格特質與憂鬱症狀關係間所扮演的角色仍不明確,因此本研究擬探討吸菸行為及攻擊行為對於性格特質與憂鬱症狀關係的直接影響與間接影響。
本研究設計為橫斷性研究,擷取自兩年期追蹤計畫之「青少年憂鬱症相關因素與其介入防制模式之監測」,此計畫選取四所台北縣市的國、高中職1336名學生進行「青少年憂鬱症調查」,本研究取第二年追蹤研究調查資料進行分析,以自陳式流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表( the Center for Epidemiologic studies Depressive Scale, CES-D )作為憂鬱症狀評估的測量工具,利用迴歸分析及路徑分析探討青少年性格特質對於憂鬱症狀的直接影響與經由吸菸行為與攻擊行為中介產生的間接影響。
本研究尚無法推論變項間的因果關係,僅能檢驗假想因果模型的準確或可靠程度,未來研究可利用追蹤研究了解青少年個人因素、環境因素及行為問題等對於憂鬱症狀的影響,以確立性格特質與憂鬱症狀相關之時序性及性格特質、吸菸行為、攻擊行為、憂鬱症狀各因子間的交互作用程度。 World Health Organization reported that by 2020, depression would become the second cause of death following cardiovascular disease. Depression thus is an almost universally important issue in public health now. According to the related literature on personality traits, smoking, aggression, and depressive symptoms, most studies focused on investigating the relationships between two factors mentioned above. The roles of conduct problems on the association between personality traits and depressive symptoms were still indefinite. This study thus aimed to examine both the direct and indirect effects of smoking and aggression on the relationship between personality traits and depressive symptoms.
This study drew data from the Wave-II investigation of a research project of “The Investigation of the Adolescent Depression-Related Factors and the Monitor of its Prevention-Intervention Model.” In this investigation, four junior and senior high schools in Metropolitan Taipei area were selected, with a total of 1336 students recruited. All Questionnaires were self-reported, including demographic information, personality traits, smoking, aggression, and depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms were assessed by 20 items of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale, CES-D). Multiple regression analysis and path analysis were conducted to estimate the direct effects and indirect effects of smoking and aggression on the association between personality traits and depressive symptoms.
The study found that personality traits of Neuroticism and Extroversion, current smoker, and physical and verbal aggression were exhibited to be risk factors of depressive symptoms, after controlling for all other factors in the regression full model. Besides, in the path analysis, personality traits of Neuroticism and Extroversion were demonstrated to increase the levels of depressive symptoms through physical and verbal aggression, while verbal aggression only was shown to be the mediator between personality traits and depressive symptoms.
This study investigated the impacts of smoking and aggression on the association between personality traits and depressive symptoms among adolescents. Although this study was unable to determine casual relationships among factors explored, the evidence that personality traits might influence depressive symptoms of adolescents through verbal aggression might warrant further exploration after considering other individual factors, environment factors, and the interactions between factors above. Finally, the results of this study could be employed for the design of a more effective prevention/intervention program to prevent youth from depression. |