摘要: | 病人安全是目前全球關注的焦點,我國行政院衛生署近年來一直致力於促進醫療品質的提升,要能有效評估醫療品質並達到持續改善,必須從建立評量指標與提供一致性的測量開始,而台灣目前沒有一套完整客觀的病人安全監測工具,也未能有效掌握醫療安全品質指標的蒐集。有鑑於此,本研究主要目的,在於建構一套適用、客觀及可量化的病人安全指標系統,透過進行該系統臨床測試,應用於國內醫療機構之可行性評估,試提出促進台灣病人安全品質提昇之方案及政策施行的參考。
研究對象是以參加台灣醫療照護品質指標系列Taiwan Healthcare Indicator Series (THIS)的醫院,進行參與醫院的臨床測試三個月,實際收集指標值。研究結果發現:透過參與醫院的臨床測試認為監測病人安全指標系統對建立以病人為中心的發展及確保病人擁有安全的就醫環境有正面的影響;但也認為可能造成增加人事費用及人員工作量的負面影響。整體而言,本系統之測試結果,100%的測試醫院認為該系統可行,對評估醫療品質有很大的幫助。 Patient safety has become a very important global issue recently. The Department of Health (DOH) of Taiwan is also dedicated to improve the healthcare quality; hence, effective evaluation of healthcare quality must begin with establishment of legitimate indicators and practical evaluation process. Currently, Taiwan has not established an objective patient safety monitoring system with complete data. This research intends to develop an objective system of patient safety indicators. The research of its feasibility is conducted through clinical applications in hospitals with goals to provide a model for policy making and to improve patient safety in Taiwan.
This study includes two stages: firstly to select patient safety monitoring indicators and secondly to test the indicators. The first stage includes three phases. First of all, We chose 48 indicators from the Hospital Patient Safety Indicator project funded by the DOH in 2004, and also selected other items from Taiwan Healthcare Indicator Series (THIS), American Hospital Association, Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research, and the Taiwan Quality Indicator Project (TQIP). Altogether 75 items were included in our study.
Secondly, according to the opinions of a panel of experts, these indicators were further divided into 7 categories according to the 2006 patient safety goals of the DOH of Taiwan, including 10 indicators of medication safety, 11 indicators of infection control, 1 indicator of accuracy in surgery, 4 indicators of patient identification, 1 indicator of prevention of patient falls, 5 indicators of incident reporting, and 16 indicators of healthcare monitoring. 48 from the original 75 indicators were selected in the phase. Thirdly, We then applied the modified Delphi Technique to build up consensus among experts in terms of validity and reliability so as to come
up with the most suitable indicators for Taiwan. Twenty two indicators were further deleted after the modified Delphi round, and twenty six indicators remained.
The second stage includes two phases. First of all, through the discussions of many patient safety related staffs from various hospitals in Taiwan, 47 indicators were recommended for further trials. Secondly, the patient safety indicators definition handbook was written up.
THIS participating hospitals were then invited to join the following trial. The selected indicators were collected clinically for there months. The trial results indicated that participating hospitals have reached the agreement that these indicators have positive impacts on the establishment of a safer medical environment and a patient centered culture. On the other hand, negative impacts were also noted including the increase of workload and expenses. Over all, all the participating hospitals fully support the feasibility of this patient safety monitoring system and believe that it will improve the reliability of future healthcare quality evaluation. |