摘要: | 本研究試圖了解同性戀者在以異性戀者為主的社會情境中所經歷的認同議題。在同性戀者的內在世界以及外在現實中,存在著許多企圖改變同性戀者性傾向的力量。這些力量的展現,主要以關於家庭(family)以及性(sexuality)的論述(discourse)的型式,如同「微血管」般,存在於同性戀者生命裏的各個角落。橫向而言,這些論述散佈在家庭、學校、媒體、教會、同志團體、酒吧等場所。縱向而言,每位同性戀者在其生命歷程中時時刻刻與這些論述對話並且行動。
男同性戀者的生命之所以發展出那麼多不同的樣貌,便是在最私密的身體經驗與最公開的社會經驗之間,在當今社會中關於家庭(family)的概念、以及性(sexuality)的發展與滿足上,不斷尋找認同與尋求平衡所展現出來不同的生命故事。 The purpose of the current study is to elucidate the identity issue of the homosexual. Both inner conflict of the homosexual and outward force from the society influence sexual orientation of the homosexual. Discourse of family as well as sexuality is the representation of these forces. Just like “capillary”, these forces exist everywhere in the lives of the homosexual. On the one hand, the discourse can be found in various places, such as family, school, mass media, church, gay grouping, and pub, etc. On the other hand, each individual homosexual constantly takes part in the discourse mentioned above and adapt himself accordingly.
Medical and social research used to dominate the studies
of homosexuality. The focus of medical research was on public and national health, while most of the social research, in minority terms, not only placed emphasis on the empathy for the homosexual’s situations but criticized the medicalization and social control implicated by the medical research.
The current study adopted a different research direction to investigate the “capillary-like” forces, which have the potentiality to change the sexual orientation of the homosexual. Specifically, the current research will provide information with regard to the following two questions: firstly, which forces would make the homosexual change their sexual orientation; secondly, how these forces shape the life experiences of the homosexual.
Participant observation was adopted as the major research method in the current study. Life course and inner conflict of the homosexual were demonstrated through the description of their everyday experiences and life events.
The current research found that identification is an important factor influencing the life of the homosexual. The current study also found that, rather than linear, the process of identification is constant and dynamic. Specifically, due to the forces from family and the society, considerations about issues such as come-out, marriage and the change of sexual orientation equate behaviors of identification.
Constant bending efforts to the balance between the intimate body and pubic social experiences and that between the concept of family and the development and contentment about sexuality determine the various life displays of the homosexual. |