摘要: | 本研究希望藉由全民健康保險研究資料庫糖尿病特定主題檔,分析台灣地區民國九十年糖尿病非創傷性截肢者的總人數、申報健康保險局之住院費用;進而連續追蹤三年查看多少存活個案發生再截肢、存活個案申報健康保險局之門診與住院費用;探討影響糖尿病非創傷性截肢者發生再截肢、醫療利用之相關因素為何?
擷取住院申報檔ICD-9 -CM編碼同時有糖尿病編碼與手術編碼為下肢足趾截肢條件者,去除因外傷原因截肢,找出中華民國九十年糖尿病非創傷性截肢者為研究對象。以SAS 8.0版軟體進行統計。先經單變項分析如性別、年齡等,找出對當次住院天數、當次住院費用、手術當次死亡、後續三年醫療利用與後續多次截肢等依變項有統計意義的變項。再以多變項廻歸及邏輯斯迴歸方法探討對以上依變項有影響之因素。
We have used The National Health Insurance Research Database focusing on diabetes mellitus, which includes ambulatory care expenditures by visits and inpatient expenditures by admissions to investigate the annual number of non-traumatic diabetic-related toe amputee and their inpatient claim fee in Taiwan in the year 2001. We then followed up a three year period to realize how many patients have survived and received re-amputation along with the total claim fee (including inpatient and outpatient). Furthermore, we analyzed the factors that had influenced the claim fee and the re-amputation.
We initially selected our research subjects with ICD-9-CM code 84.11 to represent the toe amputation patients. Then, we exclude the traumatic cause by E code. The cases which received 84.11 in the year 2000 were excluded. The subjects’ data were connected to the data base between the years 2001-2004 to find out more about the survivors after three years. We exclude subjects who died during hospitalization. The Statistics used the SAS 8.0 edition to analyze the total toe amputation and re-amputation number, inpatient claim fee, outpatient claim fee along with the independent factor which influences both the fee and re-amputation. Multiple regressions and logistic regressions were used.
The result showed non-traumatic diabetic-related amputee subjects(exclude 10 non-gender patients)was 2,202 in year 2001. Male ratio was 1.4. The mean age was 62.5 years old. 80.5% of the subjects were older than 50 years old. Subjects whom received hemodialysis were 5.86%.
There were 45.46% subjects that received amputation at Medical center. Regional hospital included 35.20%. The mean of length of stay was 22.55 days. The mean inpatient claim fee was 111,458 points. The mean hospitalized fee per day was 5,121 points. 2.05% of the patients died during hospitalization. None of the patients that were younger than 30 years old died during hospitalization.
During the next 3 years; the mean and median of the survivors’ outpatient visits were 20.89 times and 9 times. The mean and median of subjects being hospitalized were 2.88 times and 2 times. The mean and the median of total hospitalization days were 42.25 days and 21 days. Total claim fee was 256,395 points (total clinic and hospitalization fee were 37,091 points and 219,304 points respectively). Survivors who had to be re-amputated were 41.4%. The mean of re-amputation was 2.48 times.
Gender hadn’t affected hospitalization claim fee or the frequency during the 3 years claim fee and re-amputation. The older the subjects the higher the hospitalization claim fee, the 3 years claim fee and re-amputation would be. But it didn’t affect death during hospitalization at that time.
Variables that affected hospitalization claim fee were hemodialysis, hypertension, cerebral vascular accident, peripheral arterial occlusive disease, coronary arterial atherosclerosis, hospital accreditation level and age. There were no regional and hospital accreditation level differences in the hospitalization claim fee.
During the 3 years both hypertension and age were variables that affected the hospitalization claim fee.
In the next 3 year’s time; age, hemodialysis and peripheral arterial occlusive disease all affects the chance of re-amputation. The odds ratio of being re-amputated, compared with the subjects who have hemodialysis and no previous history of hemodialysis, was 2.05.
Subjects who have peripheral arterial occlusive disease had 2.54 times higher the risk of being re-amputated compared with subjects with no previous history of peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
This research is the first to evaluate on The National Health Insurance Research Database about the non-traumatic diabetes-related toe amputee in Taiwan. The outcome results may provide information to the people who are interested in treating diabetes-related toe amputee. |