摘要: | 在科技進步如此快速的時代,由於各種壓力非常大,使得單身男女有晚婚的傾向,我國正邁向老人化社會,而獨居老人的問題也越來越嚴重,獨居老人在家裡也沒有人可以為伴,有時候因為意外或者病情發作,往往沒有在第一時間內處理,導致生命受到威脅。為了要提升無人居家老人的安全,保障所有老人的生命,減輕子女的擔憂,創造一個優質的健康照護監控系統,就成為本研究的主要目的。
So fast an era in the scientific and technological progress, because various kinds of pressures are very big, make single men and women tend to marry at a mature age, our country is marching toward old man's society, and the solitary old man's problem is more and more serious, the solitary old man does not have people who can be companions at home, sometimes because the accident or the condition break out, have not often dealt with as soon as possible, cause the life to be threatened. In order to improve the old man of unmanned house's security, the life of the guarantee old men, lighten children's worry, create a high-quality health and look after the monitoring system, become the main purpose of this research.
The old man at home of nobody looks after the monitoring system safely and high quality healthily, carry out and carry and detect the collection which examine the systematic switch and inductor information far through the single chip 8051, the information that gets collecting conveys the materials to the end of the network via RS232 is changed into a mould group Internet, the materials that the control end gets receiving through the webpage interface are controlled as carrying far, the webpage interface of the control end receives and carries the materials far, directly control the electric equipment, switch, electric light carried far, Research and development of this system, can really guarantee life's of the solitary old man security, improve the high-quality health to look after. |